remarkable collective

Dopper Stainless Steel


Dopper Stainless Steel


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The new Dopper steel bottle will give you the feeling to drink out of an Apple device.

Created with the goal of reducing the usage of plastic bottle, the Dopper water bottles provide the perfect recipient to keep your water supply all along your days. 

This new sleek and robust edition, as a capacity of 800ml and is made out of stainless steel with an ABS cup. It can be washed in the dishwasher and it is plasticizers free.  


With the use of 1million plastic bottles every minute in the world, of which less than 20% is recycled, the rest of it being throw away in fields and oceans, solutions to reduce plastic bottles usage is critical. 

The plastic pollution of water is particularly damaging in the ocean where plastic is dissolves into tiniest pieces and then eaten by fish that think it is food. 

Beside that consider also takes 1 litter of water 1/4 a litter of oil to produce a plastic water bottle.


So, consider twice before to buy mineral water in plastic bottle next time. Don’t you have a better solution?

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